DMCA Policy for Current Curiosity


  • Current Current Curiosity enforces the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This policy sets out the processes that shall be followed when submitting a DMCA notice and details how we handle claims of copyright infringement.

  • It is an American copyright law that allows copyright holders to block the use of their copyrighted works on the Internet. You can read the complete text of the DMCA status (

Submitting a DMCA Notice

  • If you are the copyright holder or agent in charge of this and believe that any content on the Site (Current Curiosity) inflicts your copyrights, then publish a Day job Designate principle to our DMCA Agent. Any notice you send to us must contain this information:

1. Identify the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed.

2. Identification of the infringing material: urls for which you are claiming to be an infringement encoder.

3. Your Information: Include your name, address, contact number and email address.

4. A statement that you have a good-faith belief the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or law.

5. Truthful statement: State that all the information provided within your notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to represent a copyright holder.

6. Sign Your Signature: Next, enter your physical or electronic signature.

Response to DMCA Notices

  • When Current Curiosity receives a proper DMCA submission, then the affected material will be taken offline immediately. The user who submitted the material will be alerted and also sent the DMCA notice in question.


  • If you believe that your material was removed ( or to which access has been disabled ) by mistake, and a counter-notice information to A statement that you are contesting the removal of your UGC Creator Content in accordance with Section 512(g)(2) (please note this full text which specifically adheres to paragraph g(2)) and Additionally, The outside resons as to why your content was removed A description section needs Correspoding An identification oprtionally.address is not working.

Repeat Infringers Policy

  • Current Curiosity will comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and we reserve the right to terminate accounts of repeat infringers.

Changes to This Policy

  • Current Curiosity reserves the right to change this DMCA policy at any time. All modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Policy to our website.

Contact Information

  • Should you have any DMCA-related questions, kindly email us from the same address.
  • Email: [Your Email Address]
  • This DMCA policy template includes the necessary components for compliance with basic elements of a valid DMCA notice, instructions on how to issue notices and counter-notices as well as language highlighting an organization's diligent monitoring regarding intellectual property rights. Replace the placeholders with Current Curiosity email and mailing address.





